Juno Rose

Posted on October 17, 2023

Featured Image for Juno Rose

I am a student group leader because every person identifying as queer and every person alive today deserves to have a place like No Labels. Colonialism, white supremacy, homophobia, racism, xenophobia, and transphobia have blighted the world for centuries and it continues to do so. While I would love to punch these concepts in the face, my true way to fight them is through love, empathy, and community. Our board’s mission is to create and spread a positive environment as much as possible on campus and beyond while also teaching and helping our members. There is much pain in the world but not in our club room.

The way we fulfill this goal is by creating events for anyone who wants to come to have fun, learn, connect with others, and be themselves. Our staple events include speed friending, drag shows, pride pool parties, queer proms, game nights, safe places to talk about heavier subjects such as sex and coming out, meetings about representation in media, collaborating with other cultural groups, and much more. If we are able to help people who constantly experience hate and bigotry feel deserving of love if only for an hour, then we are doing our jobs. We are making a difference.