Marisa Gonzalez

Posted on May 23, 2023

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Marisa Gonzalez is a Greensboro native with raíces Mexicanas. She was raised by her mother, who was undocumented and grew up in the immigrant multicultural ‘poor’ side of town. These experiences from a young age influenced her advocacy work in her community, in particular pertaining to higher education. 

Marisa is an educator and activista in her community. Her primary interest and research focus is on first-generation Latinx students’ access to higher education, retention and community cultural wealth. She works actively year-long with UNCG CHANCE Summer Camp and the UNCG Latinx Affairs Office on diverse college access and retention initiatives. Marisa is also a co-advisor for UNCG Association of Latinx Professionals of America (ALPFA) and serves on the UNCG ALIANZA Board. 

A double alumna of UNC Greensboro, in 2016, she received a Bachelor’s in Spanish Education (K-12) and in 2019 a Master’s in Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Marisa continues at UNCG as a University Program Associate at the University Teaching and Learning Commons, adjunct lecturer, and doctoral student in Educational Leadership & Cultural Foundations.