Noor Ghazi

Posted on May 23, 2023

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Noor Ghazi, Peace Activist, this is how she likes to be known. She holds a master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from UNCG with concentration in International Peace development. She is currently a Lecturer of Arabic language at UNCG, an instructor of Arabic and Humanities at Durham Technical Community College and she also teaches a special topic on Iraq in the department of Peace, War, and Defense at UNC Chapel Hill. “Our world is crying for peace. I come from a background that is full of conflict; whereas my first childhood memory was in war, and about war, and this is not what I want others to experience.”

Noor’s connection to Iraq can be seen throughout the work she is engaged with overseas. She recently translated the book “Preparing for Peace” into Arabic for the eminent peace scholar John Paul Lederach. Educators are utilizing this book at major universities in Iraq to teach peace studies in the Middle East. Noor continues work of activism through higher education in Iraq. She envisions that more peace studies programs will be created in major universities at Baghdad, Mosul and Alanbar. Noor has teamed up with Mosul University in Iraq to conduct more work for higher education. She is also on the advisory board for the Conflict Management Initiative at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.