Zainab Adamou-Mohamed

Posted on January 26, 2024

Featured Image for Zainab Adamou-Mohamed

In Zainab’s word’s “Being a changemaker means taking the time to learn more about the issues that exist in my community and then finding ways to solve them. I do this by participating in efforts such as community service, but I am also working on developing the skills needed to implement long-term solutions. To be a changemaker means one must step up, speak out, and demonstrate inclusive leadership.” On campus, Zainab shows her leadership through her multiple involvements on campus, including being President of MSA, and by completing the Bronze and Silver levels of the Spartan Leadership Challenge. 

She interned in Summer 2023 with Democracy North Carolina, a nonprofit that strengthens democratic structures, builds power among disenfranchised communities and more. There, she says, she finetuned her communication and social media skills, visited one-on-one with state legislators, and had the chance to inform others about voting rules.  

Zainab continues to grow in her leadership and commitment to creating change in her community. Her UNCG experience has broadened her perspective and allowed her to think critically about her civic identity.